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The end of Facebook Workplace: why Meta is discontinuing its platform and opting for Jalios Workplace?
July 3, 2024
The end of Facebook Workplace: why Meta is discontinuing its platform and opting for Jalios Workplace? Read more
What is the purpose of internal communication?
May 2, 2023 / BLOG
What is the purpose of internal communication? Read more
What is a Digital Workplace?
April 14, 2023 / BLOG
What is a Digital Workplace? Read more
Facilitate the organisation of work in hybrid mode and manage attendance at different workplaces
April 26, 2022 / Produit
Facilitate the organisation of work in hybrid mode and manage attendance at different workplaces Read more
Jalios Workplace Liberty awarded Bronze level for Digital Sobriety by Greenspector
March 23, 2022
Jalios Workplace Liberty awarded Bronze level for Digital Sobriety by Greenspector Read more
How to run large communities with Jalios Workplace
January 24, 2022 / Produit
How to run large communities with Jalios Workplace Read more

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