Jalios Workplace Liberty awarded Bronze level for Digital Sobriety by Greenspector

Committed to a responsible digital approach, Jalios called on Greenspector, a digital sobriety consultancy, to support the eco-design of its solution.

Jalios' objective is to reduce the digital impact of its application, which has more than 1.8M users, and above all to keep its application compatible with older hardware in order to help organizations extend the useful life of their equipment. Hardware accounts for up to 80% of the impact on the digital service cycle (*cf. REEN law)


What measures have been carried out ?

The Jalios Workplace application was measured on a perimeter of about twenty actions representative of the daily use of the solution in its Liberty edition, in particular

  • Displaying the home page
  • Viewing a news item, without and with video
  • Reading notifications and comments
  • Previewing a document
  • Application launcher
  • Global search
  • Launching a chat
  • Etc...

Greenspector's methodology uses a comprehensive measurement benchmark and therefore goes beyond the in-browser interface measurements that other free online tools allow. This analysis includes :

  • Automated tests that allow you to walk through the application in place of a typical user
  • Measurement of the application's resource consumption during the user journey
  • An assessment of the carbon impact of using the application

"We need companies to measure themselves against use cases on real devices to obtain consumption metrics (energy consumed, weight of data exchanged, etc.) and compare themselves by projecting these values to obtain environmental criteria such as the EqCO2 emitted." says Thierry Leboucq, Chairman of Greenspector, who spoke at DWDays conferences in May 2021.


Watch the replay of the round table on the subject at DWDays in May 2021 :

Watch replay




A score of 61/100 and recommendations to improve the ecoscore of the solution

Following this benchmark, Greenspector awarded an ecoscore of 61/100 to the Jalios Workplace application, which corresponds to the Bronze label. This first scoring, which only includes optimizations native to the solution, already shows a good level of performance (score of 73/100), and shows that there is room for improvement in mobile data (score of 51/100) and power consumption (score of 58/100).

"This is a very encouraging score, given that this is an initial assessment of the solution as it was available at the time of the tests. We have identified areas for improvement and our R&D will prioritize them in its roadmap," says Hoang-Anh Phan, Marketing Director at Jalios, who is in charge of the company's Digital Responsibility approach.

Jalios plan a second test bench by the end of 2022, once the optimizations following the recommendations are implemented in the product, with the aim of obtaining a better score. These optimizations will enable a more energy-efficient solution to be deployed to Jalios customers, thus reducing their impact related to digital usage.

See also:

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