Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2022

24 - 26 January 2022 / Online

MWCP bannière 

Microsoft partenariat - RondThe Modern Workplace Conference Paris is a community event, dedicated to the latest developments around Microsoft 365 and its ecosystem. 

Join Jalios again this year, as a Diamond Sponsor, on 24, 25, 26 January 2022 for a new and even more exciting edition. Come and discuss your digital transformation! 


The themes will be sharing knowledge and passion around the following technologies and their uses:

  • Microsoft 365/ Office 365
  • Microsoft Teams-SharePoint and OneDrive
  • Microsoft Viva-Exchange and Outlook
  • Yammer-Power Platform: Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps and Power Virtual Agent.

Intervention: Digital Workplace, Modern Workplace: 4 ways to optimise your use of Microsoft 365

Have you deployed Microsoft 365 or are you about to do so? Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, co-editing, etc. you have all the tools to enable collaboration, even remotely. So why isn't it working? Between the "what's it for?" and the "I can't use it?" what's the problem?
In this session co-hosted by Jalios and Klee Group, discover 4 ways to help your employees see things more clearly and to guide them towards better practices on a daily basis. Boost the adoption of Microsoft 365, and above all transform the way you work. Discover how to collaborate efficiently and sustainably through usage and customer case studies.

  • Date : Tuesday 25 january at 4 PM to 4:25 PM
  • Speakers : 

Intervention: 5 Teams Apps to animate and reconnect your teams thanks to internal communication with Jalios

You've deployed Microsoft 365 and your users swear by Teams? Problem: they are missing out on a lot of information: HR news, corporate announcements, news from other departments, CSE initiatives, internal mobility, classified ads, etc. All this information that does not directly concern their projects but is at the heart of their life in the company! 

In this session co-hosted by Jalios and ASI, discover 5 Teams apps developed by Jalios to recreate this link with teams directly in Teams. Through uses and case studies, discover how to conduct an efficient and useful internal communication, which supports employees and helps them on a daily basis

Practical information : 

  • Date: 24, 25, 26 January 2022
  • Venue: Online conference

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