CSIESR Conference 2021

11 - 14 October 2021 / Opio, Provence


This year, Jalios will participate in this major education and research event, which brings together more than 200 IT managers from public institutions and companies in the sector every year.

The main themes of the conference will be as follows :

  • Inter-institutional sharing (keywords: grouping, HR harmonization, open source, SaaS)
  • Data management and exploitation (key words: IS architecture, security, big data, reporting and steering, open data)
  • Digital services for students and pedagogy (keywords: students, ENT, pedagogy, mobile)
  • Quality orchestration and automation of IS (keywords: containers, virtualization, infrastructure as a service, continuous integration, QoS)

The CSIESR annual meeting will take place from October 11 to 14, 2021.

Practical information :

  • Date: October 11 to 14, 2021
  • Location: Opio en Provence

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