Cloud Days 2021

June 1, 2021 / Online

cloud days bannière

#CLOUDDAYS is the annual meeting of the French Cloud! A day full of conferences, round tables and exchanges around the Cloud.

For this 7th edition, our partner 3DS OUTSCALE, Cloud subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes, invites you to participate in a 100% online event! CLOUD DAYS, it's more than 50 speakers and more than 450 participants! Join us to imagine the Cloud of tomorrow together!

4 main themes will be addressed: sovereignty, security, industry and CSR

Intervention: How to reconcile hybrid work, security and sovereignty with a Digital Workplace in the cloud?

Discover how Jalios, the leading French publisher of Digital Workplace solutions, relies on 3DS Outscale and its datacenter qualified SecNumCloud by the ANSSI to offer a sovereign and highly secure cloud solution to facilitate, organize and secure hybrid work in the office and remotely.

Xavier Masia, Director of Professional Services at Jalios, will share with us his vision of the challenges of security, confidentiality and data sovereignty for public administrations and private companies, while meeting the need to work and collaborate as effectively in the office as in the home.
Discover in particular how the Osmose platform, from the Inter-ministerial Digital Directorate (DINUM), meets these security requirements and facilitates transversality while encouraging collaboration and promoting the commitment of public sector agents.

  • Date and time : June 1 from 2:00 pm to 2:20 pm
  • Speaker :
    • Xavier Masia, Director of Professional Services at Jalios

Informations pratiques : 

  • Date : June 1, 2021
  • 100% online

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