One of the main benefits of the Digital Workplace is the decompartmentalisation, both organisational and application-related. With 54% of companies (of all sizes) having 1 to 200 applications, 23% between 201 and 500 and 15% between 501 and 1000 (*), avoiding data or application silos is a permanent challenge.
4 Jalios partners are looking into this subject and sharing their vision of an open ecosystem in a Digital Workplace dynamic.
Follow them for a workshop on the 18th, 19th and 20th at the Digital Workplace Days!
An ecosystem is said to be open when it allows compatibility and use of free software, public APIs and open source code, integrations as well as cooperation between companies.
These characteristics represent current requirements of the technology sector and in particular of end customers to avoid the compartmentalisation of tools and to respond to their concerns about security, sovereignty and transparency of data management.
ONLYOFFICE is part of this approach and contributes to the creation of such an open ecosystem by offering a free office suite that is highly compatible with Microsoft Office and OpenDocument formats, and that can be integrated with third-party services and thus provide them with online editing and co-editing capabilities.
In this particular context, companies must adapt and rethink their operations to gain in agility and efficiency. They must integrate new working methods with flexibility and reactivity.
The decompartmentalisation of applications in the company, through a collaborative portal, will offer better visibility and communication between departments and people, especially in multi-site or teleworking mode. Collaboration will thus be encouraged within the company, with a natural mix between the employee's job and the social link with colleagues. The company has a lot to gain from this because it is a unifying means of achieving global objectives.
This decompartmentalisation process must be at the heart of the organisation to facilitate internal and external communication and thus give a broader vision of the company.
While the Digital Workplace is a collaborative and virtual workspace, the CRM is the essential application for managing all information related to customers, prospects or contacts and all interactions with these individuals (incoming and outgoing contacts).
Integrated into the information system (IS) for interaction with the CRM solution, the Digital Workplace makes a number of processes more fluid and provides :
to employees, a 360° vision necessary for the daily management of their activity.
to contacts and employees, transversal collaborative functions
All in real time and on the move! The Digital Workplace + CRM pairing can be seen as an ecosystem providing a single access point to all digital tools. It meets the challenges of cross-functionality, mobility and collaboration in organisations.
To find out more, join OnlyOffice, Belharra, Wisen and Eudonet at the expert workshop "Open Ecosystem: what integrations to break down application silos? "on Wednesday 19 May at 4.10 pm, and exchange live with them.