In addition to its key role in crisis management, internal communication is a key part of the digital and managerial transformation. Even before the crisis, a study conducted by the AFCI (*) showed that 92% of internal communicators considered digital technology to be an asset, and 63% considered it important to put managers at the heart of internal communication.
3 experts help us to understand these issues and challenges of internal communication.
Join them for a round table at the Digital Workplace Days.
With the development of internal communication, which responds to the challenges of dynamic professional exchanges and better involvement of the players, tools such as intranets have become key projects. With the current health crisis, they have even become pillars for maintaining links and collaboration at a distance.
The choice of placing this tool at the heart of management reference systems is not insignificant because it responds to the need for digital transformation at the heart of the problems of any entity and to the new practices of exchange and collaboration based on information technologies.
By questioning the needs and objectives, and by comparing the knowledge and skills of all the players in a structure, Intranet projects lead to the emergence of innovative, more transversal and less hierarchical management practices.
This is an approach that I was able to support at the Urban Community of Greater Reims and which will be the subject of my presentation at the DWdays.
The health crisis has prompted companies to re-evaluate the role of their internal communication in order to activate all the levers of employee commitment, with the aim of seeking to adhere to the company's culture and values, developing a sense of belonging and a more engaging employee experience, and preserving the work/life balance.
Employees are calling for more managerial support in remote working situations. This requires a strong commitment on the part of managers, for whom providing remote support to employees with different levels of autonomy is a very serious challenge.
The new phase of social dialogue to come in each company will be an opportunity to define the axes of transformation of the managerial model inherent in the changes that may be decided. This crisis has strengthened the role of managers in the dissemination of the employee promise, and this relay must be considered indispensable for the future.
Managerial practices will be key and will have to accompany the movement towards a more agile approach to work, based in particular on strong notions of empowerment and autonomy, but also on a managerial relationship that is more focused on the development of and listening to the employee.
On the strength of this collective awareness, it is now a matter of reaffirming the importance of internal communication as a lever of trust and placing it at the centre of managerial practices in order to contribute to the respect of the employee promise.
To find out more, join Marie Pillot, Stéphane Trémoulet and David Boulestin at the expert workshop "How does internal communication reinvent management? " on Wednesday 19th May at 11.40am, and discuss with them live.
*Source: Occurrence for AFCI