Each year, the Interconnected Forum marks the high point of the network's activity. It brings together network players and experts at national level. The Forum offers two days of exchanges of best practices, highlighting French territories that are experimenting and initiating digital transformation.
It is an opportunity to learn about the latest innovations, to discover potential partners and to discuss future developments. Organised around major conferences and themed workshops, this Forum provides an overview of the full range of digital news for local authorities.
Jalios will also be taking part in this year's Forum des Interconnectés! We look forward to meeting you to exchange views and provide you with the best possible support in your digital transformation.
This year's main theme is the position of local and regional authorities for a responsible digital transformation.
Faced with the high stakes of communication and collaboration, but also of knowledge sharing and efficiency gains, more and more local authorities are setting up a Digital Workplace as a continuation of their Intranet. To what extent do the new uses associated with this integrated and unified digital environment impact the ecological footprint of local authorities? What practices should be promoted among agents for a more responsible digital environment?
In this session led by Jalios, France's leading publisher of Intranets and Digital Workplaces, we will come back to the challenges of these new uses and we will see to what extent they are part of a dynamic of digital sobriety and more generally ecological.