A Digital Workplace aligned with the three major challenges facing local authorities

A wide variety of trades scattered throughout the country, the majority of which are remote from computer tools. Decentralised administrative sites and technical services, often linked only by e-mail. Many local authorities share this context, whatever their level: commune, community of communes or conurbation, department, region.

How, under these conditions, can public service missions be better carried out? By relying on digital technology to connect all the agents, in order to communicate better with them, simplify their daily life and, also, facilitate their collaboration. Three major challenges that a Digital Workplace responds to.

Are you a local authority and do you want to know more? Sign up for our webinar dedicated to Intercommunalities with feedback from Greater Reims on 9 March 2021!

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Information that circulates better

Accessible on any terminal and from any location, the Digital Workplace is the preferred channel for directly informing agents about the news of the community and its various services, for communicating the agenda of management meetings, committees and other assemblies, and for federating around priority projects and public actions.

Mockup Genevilliers

The collaborative Intrnaet from the city of Gennevilliers promotes communication and knowledge sharing


By facilitating the circulation of information related to human resources, the Digital Workplace also helps to improve the experience offered to staff. They are informed in real time of the latest news concerning training, competitions and recruitment. And a real knowledge base can be set up to answer their questions in terms of rights and procedures. This is also a source of efficiency for HR departments.


Simplifying agents' daily lives

Thanks to its dematerialisation functions, the Digital Workplace contributes to simplifying the daily life of agents. From the online reservation system for meeting rooms or IT resources to the real workflow involving the actors of different departments, via simple forms to manage requests, it offers a whole range of possibilities to save time or improve performance.

Here again, the benefits are not just operational. Via dematerialised services, human resources-related procedures can be facilitated. Staff who do not work at an administrative site no longer need to travel there to make requests, declare a change of address, register a birth, etc.


Mockup LILA

The collaborative Intranet from the Albigeois intercommunalities focuses on occupational communities and their needs


Collaboration on all fronts

To facilitate collaboration, the Digital Workplace provides spaces in which it is possible to communicate, manage documents, schedules, discuss in forums or via instant messaging. These collaborative spaces can be used for a variety of purposes.

For departments or departments, they are a means of bringing together their own agents and interacting with them better around the activity, sharing resources and internal information. Purchasers, lawyers, archivists, college staff, social workers, home helpers, etc. For their part, the many professions in local authorities can free themselves from their work context to come together within their own spaces, in order to share practical information, knowledge and help each other.

But with collaborative spaces, it is all cross-disciplinary collaboration that is favoured. Via project groups, the different departments can centralise their exchanges, share documentation, meeting minutes and manage the various project tasks. Information related to the project is no longer lost in multiple email exchanges.

This cross-functionality does not stop at the local authority's doorstep, since collaborative spaces can also involve the local authority's institutional, territorial or economic partners.

Are you a local authority and do you want to know more? Sign up for our webinar dedicated to Intercommunalities with feedback from Greater Reims on 9 March 2021!

Register now

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