Efficient together and remotely in 2021

January 4, 2021 / Replays

Voeux 2021 - EN 

Efficient together and remotely

At a time when teleworking has become widespread in order to maintain business activity in the face of the health crisis and in a context of recovery that is still uncertain, it is essential to consolidate communication and collaboration tools around a sustainable and secure digital strategy, in order to inform, reassure and support employees, but also to continue to drive the company's collective project.

In 2021, Jalios will support you in your collaborative projects for :

  • Strengthen your internal communication and reassure your staff by communicating regularly and simply,
  • Implement a solution that facilitates communication and collaboration between your employees, on site or teleworking,
  • To offer them innovative and powerful collaboration tools for videoconferencing, webchat or conversation spaces,
  • Create a social link with the corporate social network wall, to meet each other, to say hello,
  • Or simply know how to approach your Digital Workplace project and how to successfully deploy a Digital Workplace solution quickly,

Watch Digital Workplace Days videos to get expert advice from Digital Workplace experts, listen to extensive customer feedback, and find the keys to the issues raised by teleworking :

See the interventions of the Digital Workplace Days

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