Exhibition Industry of the Future BE 4.0

30 Nov - 1 December 2021 / Mulhouse


2 days dedicated to business, exchanges and innovation

The BE 4.0 2020 exhibition is located in the heart of the Grand Est Region, partner of the French Fab, 1st French region in terms of industrial investments (automotive, aerospace, energy...), it is the reference area for Advanced Manufacturing. The quality of the congress and the expertise of the exhibitors are the major assets of these two days of business dedicated to the industry of the future.


On the show, companies, universities, competitiveness clusters, institutions, come together to present solutions that "boost" the transformation towards Industry 4.0 in terms of :

  • Support & Financing
  • Innovative skills, training & management
  • Data & Artificial Intelligence
  • Energy & sustainable production
  • IoT : connected objects & networks
  • Digital
  • Customer relations & new economic and societal models
  • Supply Chain
  • Advanced production technologies

Intervention: Microsoft 365: deploying is not adopting!

Have you deployed Microsoft 365 or are you about to do so? Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, co-editing, etc. you have all the tools to enable collaboration, even remotely. So why isn't it working? Between the "what's it for?" and the "I can't use it?" what's the problem?

In this workshop, 3 actors of digital transformation, the consulting firm Itisy, the software editor Jalios and the digital service company Capcod invite you to better understand the obstacles to the adoption of digital tools and to discover 3 axes to boost your projects: accompany the change management, speak the language of the business and integrate a global approach of Digital Workplace


Practical information :

  • Date: November 30 - December 1, 2021
  • Place: Parc Expo in Mulhouse
  • Stand D17

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