Almost 2 years after the release of JPlatform 10, and 7 months after the release of Service Pack 2, here is JPlatform 10 Service Pack 3, which includes evolutions at the heart of the product, with more than 160 improvements and about ten new features. In addition to the many new modules and module versions released in the meantime, we can say that Jalios R&D is far from being idle!
This 10SP3 version is under the sign of maturity, including a large part of the user feedback gleaned from our website, but also directly on projects and also at JClub events.
Faithful to our values of being "Useful" and "Open", at Jalios, we remain more than ever attentive to your needs!
Sometimes called "la gauffre" or "le pavé", the application launcher was quickly adopted by our customers. So much so that it had sometimes become problematic to manage all the apps they wanted to put in it. The concept of app catalog quickly emerged: in the 10SP3, you can put more apps, organize your apps by tabs and search directly for an app in the app catalog.
The text editor saves you time by reducing the number of steps to insert a new file into your texts and allowing you to save publications directly from full screen mode.
JPlatform 10SP3 is also a new, sleeker look, with new, lighter and more modern icons, a slightly different range of colours, rounded edges, etc. "Devil is the detail". No need to play games with differences, whether or not you notice these small graphic changes, the objective is to limit visual overload.
In the logic of JServices, all the possibilities for "modifying" a document are now grouped together in an "open with" menu to offer more consistency and homogeneity. From now on, we will avoid the term "edit", which is an Anglicism: it is important when promoting values such as EFEL - Entreprendre en France pour l'Edition Logicielle !
In addition to the upcoming release of JMobile2, the new version of JPaltform's native mobile application, JPlatform 10SP3 offers a better responsive rendering on tablet and mobile: topbar, personal side panel, search, apps, login page, etc.
For new users, the "+" button for quick publishing was sometimes confusing: it is now deleted by default, but can still be added for advanced users using an ACL.
Also expressed by new users, the need to be able to access their profile more easily: this is done with a new profile tab in the member side panel.
And other improvements that make it easier to use JPlatform as a Digital Workplace on a daily basis, such as saving the sort preference for unread alerts.
Long awaited by administrators and advanced users, the switch to apps view of workspace and administration interfaces facilitates access to these very rich interfaces that reflect JPlatform's advanced level of customization.
JPlatform's customizable workflows no longer require Flash to be viewed: their graphical rendering is possible with SVG.
The 10SP3 comes with its own set of additional options to customize the platform, such as :
Finally, due to security reasons, this version also includes improvements to strengthen security such as tighter access control to private sites, the possibility of imposing a minimum and/or maximum length for passwords, etc.
Are you in a hurry to find out more? Visit community for a complete list of new features in this version and access to its download!