Behind each screen there is a user: this is the "mantra" that Digital Workplace project managers should systematically follow. However, many of these projects are still being carried out without positioning employees at the centre of the reflection, without studying their needs, without finally knowing them well enough to build an adapted and sustainable Digital Workplace. Too many "tied" specifications, without UX framing upstream, imagining uses that do not exist or on the contrary forgetting real needs.
Offering employees the right Digital Workplace solution is not enough if its implementation is not accompanied by a relevant UX approach and throughout the duration of the project.
Teleworking, nomadic workstations, staggered working hours, mobile uses, multiple jobs, multi-location, cross-functional projects...: the workstation is undergoing numerous and sometimes "violent" upheavals, which reflect the desire of organizations to always offer better service to their customers.
This phenomenon of digitalization of the workstation must therefore be controlled and controlled, at the risk of:
The challenge, to succeed in the process of digital transformation of the organization, is therefore to support employees in their appropriation of this new workstation. We can therefore define the Digital Workplace as the "augmented workstation" of each employee: turned both inside and outside the company, hyper-personalized, vertical and horizontal, and which must reconcile individuals and the company.
At the same time, it should not be forgotten that your employees use advanced applications in their daily lives, which evolve regularly, are easy to use and have multiple defects. They therefore expect to find in their professional lives equivalent tools, which are as effective and "better" than in their previous professional experience.
Employees' expectations are high, so they must always remain at the centre of decisions: the term "user centric" is not an empty word!
The methods and tools to design an effective user experience are many and varied: you still need to use them at the right time in the phasing of your project.
It can be said that a UX approach in a Digital Workplace project is divided into 3 steps:
New tools, new uses, new processes: you cannot ignore change management, a factor in ensuring the success of your project, which must be carried out in parallel with the UX approach.
It is possible to approach this change support in 3 distinct phases:
However, change management is the poor relation of Digital Workplace projects: in the 2019 edition of its intranet & digital working observatory, the French firm Arctus cites the following figures: 34% of companies have not formalized any rules or procedures, 38% have not deployed any help in using the intranet.
Deploying your Digital Workplace without taking into account the expectations of your employees means taking the risk that they will not use it. Building it with and for them means ensuring the success of your project.