Air Tahiti

Air Tahiti

Collaborative intranet

  • Main air carrier (passengers and cargo) in French Polynesia, serving 47 islands in the territory and connecting 90% of the population
  • Nearly 1,400 employees spread over 47 islands, including a large proportion of flight crews or those working staggered hours
  • A major contributor to regional planning and the economic and tourism development of the archipelago


Creates synergy between communication and cross-functional project management resources

In order to facilitate and develop internal communication between its geographically dispersed employees, most of whom are mobile or work at different times, Air Tahiti has felt the need to set up a collaborative and communication platform. The company also aims to unite energies around collaborative tasks/projects, thus contributing to a synergy of the company's resources in order to improve its operating mode.

Among its priority objectives:

  • to federate the company around a vision,
  • mobilize and involve each employee (around their interests),
  • improve the performance of project teams and develop productivity,
  • lead transversal communities to meet the needs for dialogue and break isolation,
  • inform all employees and encourage the sharing and capitalization of knowledge.


Functional richness and progressive implementation

The Jalios solution fully met Air Tahiti's expectations in terms of functional richness, progressive implementation, ergonomics and accessibility.

Given the scope of the functional scope of its project, the company relied on the expertise of an integrator, Vittoria Conseil, who was able to support it throughout the project, in a very iterative way to progress step by step and avoid mistakes.

Under the impetus of a general management wishing to change and develop mentalities and habits, a version 1 of the collaborative platform was launched in one quarter and a production version in less than one year. To this end, and in order to encourage the adoption of this new tool, Air Tahiti set up a steering committee from the outset, which has been expanded over the months to include multiple feedback from experience and to take into account the expectations of all user groups.


Gradual adoption for a change in habits and mentalities

Accessible H24 to Air Tahiti's 1400 employees in their great diversity (administrative, technicians, assistance personnel, flight crew, ground staff, etc.), the new intranet meets their need to communicate easily and receive information quickly: news, documentary database, project areas, communities.

In addition, each employee has the possibility to create "his page" by gathering his privileged contents.

Even if this new tool was quickly adopted by the steering committee, the driving force behind the project, its appropriation by all staff is more progressive, due to a strong confrontation with habits.

One year after its deployment, 14% of the staff, or 200 unique visitors, use the Intranet daily. However, this is a "revolution" for the company.

Today, the company favours a much more dedicated support to professions wishing to advance on the tool and emphasizes the development of productivity tools useful for the work of the various departments and categories of staff.

The medium-term objective is to develop the Intranet so that it can be the reference element, the gateway to other tools: in a way, a work facilitator for all departments for a total decompartmentalization.

"We were able to set up in 10 months a collaborative intranet for 1400 people spread over an area as large as Europe."  

Julien Lebeau, Air Tahiti Referent and Project Manager

Air Tahiti

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