Forum des interconnectés 2024 : See you in Marseille

3 - 4 April 2024 / Marseille
mceclip0 - 2024-01-30 16h11m54s

For the fifth year running, Jalios will be taking part in the Forum des Interconnectés as a partner, on 3 and 4 April 2024. This travelling forum will this year feature the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolis, with a presence in Marseille. This large-scale event, dedicated to the digital transformation of local authorities, brings together public players and businesses to discuss the latest digital news, the most recent IT innovations and ways of harnessing technology to improve the way local authorities operate.

Organised by Les Interconnectés, the network of innovative local and regional authorities, the event features feedback, demonstrations and best practice on the use of new technologies in local governance, citizenship, education and health.


The Jalios Digital Workplace at the service of local authorities

Jalios is heavily involved in the public sector, and its customers include more than 60 local authorities (metropolises, conurbation or urban communities, towns, regions, départements, SDIS), numerous institutions, authorities and agencies (CDC, ADEME, Pôle emploi, AMF, INSEE, ARS), citizen services (social landlords, CPAM), universities (UNISTRA, UPEC) and ministries (DINUM, DAE, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health).

In other words, the Jalios platform is positioned as a gateway to collective intelligence, designed to improve the efficiency of all local authority employees by meeting all their challenges, such as :

  • Developing cross-functionality
  • Transforming working methods
  • Better targeting and capitalising on information
  • Improving responsiveness and efficiency
  • Facilitating exchanges
  • Facilitate access to information, even when on the move

For example, Jalios is helping Alès Agglomération and Ville, a local authority with 2,000 employees, to overhaul their intranet in order to promote collaborative working while sharing information more effectively and dynamically within the department.

The Moselle Departmental Council (CD 57) has also put its trust in Jalios to equip its collaborative platform (collaborative platform and e-learning for departmental staff) and its entire education system:

  • application platform for all day-to-day and business tools,
  • website factory,
  • several high-volume thematic EDMs, interconnected with the local authority's core applications,
  • and the "Moselle Éducation" platform, which provides a gateway for all players in the education sector to all the content and solutions used in school education: ENT, order management, Fus@é subsidy scheme, Guichet Unique, video-conferencing services, support guides, newsletters, centralised EDM, etc.

Jalios presentation: Agent Experience: for a useful and responsible AI, from the Intranet to the Digital Workplace

AI, OK, but what for? And above all, how? Is it secure? Is it reliable? And what will AI do for agents in their day-to-day work? How will it affect the way we communicate, collaborate and manage knowledge? And what about Digital Responsibility?

Discover also what generative AI can bring to the daily lives of agents: what will it change in the way they communicate, collaborate or manage knowledge? A summary of our discussions with our public sector customers, in particular the Communauté d'Agglomération d'Alès, the City of Grenoble, the City of Lyon and the City of Annecy.

  • Thursday 4th April
  • 2pm - 2.30pm
  • Speaker: Hamza Lahlou Hamza Lahlou


Translated with (free version)

Practical information

Dates et horaires :

  • Wednesday 3 April 2024
  • Thursday 4 April 2024 
  • Palais du Pharo, Marseille
  • Stand 14


Would you like to find out more ? Come and meet our teams to find out how the Jalios Digital Workplace improves efficiency, cross-functionality and collective intelligence within the local authority ecosystem !

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