This module is designed to ensure your platform's compliance with the RGPD regarding data privacy and your users' consent.
Whether it's an intranet/extranet or a website, these rules must be taken into consideration as part of your platform.
In certain cases, you are also required to comply with the right to be forgotten. According to the CNIL :
If you're not aware of your obligations under the RGPD, consider consulting your DPO (Délégué à la Protection des Données) if you have one, or find out more on the CNIL website.
Make sure you have your users' consent
User consent is an important aspect of your platform.
Whether for authenticated users or anonymous users (visitors), several solutions exist :
For a website
In the case of a website, you need to be able to demonstrate the validity of your users' consent.
This consent must be Free, Specific, Informed and Unambiguous (https://www.cnil.fr/fr/les-bases-legales/consentement).
Depending on the functionalities in place, your site may require the use of user data in order to compile statistics and evaluate volumes of traffic and use of the various elements making up the site (sections, content visited, path taken), enabling you in particular to improve the interest and ergonomics of the services offered on your site.
To measure this information, you need to use cookies.
What does the RGPD say about cookie management?
Before depositing or reading a cookie, site or application publishers must:
- Inform Internet users of the purpose of cookies;
- Obtain their consent (this consent is valid for a maximum of 13 months);
- Provide users with a means of refusing cookies.
This module enables you to provide a large number of services already added by the Tarteaucitron community, and to make them available to you on your JPlatform site. Your users will be able to access information on the purpose of each cookie deposited, accept them en masse or manage cookie acceptance on a cookie-by-cookie basis.
For an intranet or extranet site
In the case of an intranet or extranet, the use of a cookie banner is not necessarily the most appropriate solution, especially for authenticated users.
This module enables you to implement mandatory validation of your platform's user charter when users log on. When users log on for the first time, they will be asked to read the charter and explicitly validate it. This validation is a mandatory step before they can access your platform.
You can also apply additional, specific charters to other areas of your platform (e.g.: legal documentation section, photo library, specific collaborative areas, etc.).
Explicit agreements are stored in the platform and visible from the member edit page, enabling you to retain proof of consent.
If your charter needs to be modified and re-validated by your users, all you need to do is make a simple major modification to the charter concerned, so that it is imposed again on your users the next time they log on.
Comply with the right to be forgotten (or the right to erasure)
To comply with these regulations, the CNIL offers several solutions:
- Delete / unpublish the entire page
- Delete or anonymize only the data in question
- De-index the content in question
This module enables you to automatically identify inactive accounts on your platform and notify them that their profile will be deleted without any further action on their part.
Content contributed by these users can either be deleted, or retained and anonymized. In the latter case, they are reassigned to an anonymous account created specifically in your platform.
In the event of a user request, you can manually delete the user's data at any time.
- The parameterization and customization options offered by this module.
- The time-saving features provided by the various functions for automating the data deletion process.
- Guaranteed compliance with RGPD.