Revolutionise the way you monitor your teams' training with JLIC, the skills booklet solution by Jalios

Do you want to simplify the work of your teaching teams and effectively monitor your employees' training pathways? Then the JLIC solution is for you!

Designed in collaboration with experts from the training departments of the SDIS (Services Départementaux d'Incendie et de Secours - Departmental Fire and Rescue Services), it enables you to easily monitor, collaborate, trace and archive training programmes that combine educational input, work-related simulations and skills acquisition measures.

Say goodbye to paper, unsecured documents, red tape and time-consuming tasks! This digital solution is also revolutionizing training by making all players proactive through real-time collaboration. For optimum agility, JLIC also enables courses to be customized, an essential element in adult training. The skills acquisition and certification phases are integrated to streamline your work

What's more, JLIC complies with regulatory obligations and training quality criteria, in particular by targeting around ten QUALIOPI certification criteria.


Creating templates

Modèles - Livret individuels de suvi de l'acquisition des compétences - Jalios

Integrate teaching scenarios from your Training Frameworks :

  • Create customised templates for each area of activity, incorporating the phases and stages of your Internal Training Organisation and Assessment Frameworks.
  • Easily integrate blocks of skills, associated skills and know-how for simplified, regulatory monitoring of skills acquisition.


Automatic edition of logbooks

Either directly in JLIC or from your training software, automatically initiate individual logbooks when creating a session to show :

  • The material elements of the training action: dates, locations, actions required, etc.
  • The people involved in the training: course leader, trainers, organizers, logisticians, tutors, etc.
  • The content and training pathway of each individual ;
  • Monitoring of skills acquisition
  • The decisions of the certification panel;
  • Action plans if necessary.
LIC - Jalios


Monitor progress to tailor courses to individual needs

Parcours - Jalios Teaching teams can observe collective and individual progress in real time and adjust the training strategy accordingly.
 Adult training needs to be adapted to individual needs. With JLIC, you can simply add phases and stages to one or more learners to accurately reflect the path followed by each one. 


Making learners the main players in their own training

JLIC gives learners easy access to online content, as well as encouraging self-assessment.

They also have access to a messaging system and a chat room, making it easy for them to communicate with their supervisory teams.

Autoévaluation - Jalios Chatter - Jalios


Jury management, adjournments and action plans

JLIC enables your teaching teams to formulate well-founded opinions on learners' progress and level of skills acquisition, in order to facilitate jury decisions thanks to our integrated certification forms.

Additional training courses can be organised for learners whose needs have been identified following an adjournment, until their reassessment, for personalised support.

The teaching teams indicate the elements to be consolidated post-training and incorporate ongoing skills development plans or personalised action plans. 

Décision - Jalios


Automated information and certificates :

JLIC allows you to automate the sending of notifications to learners and training participants.

You can also automate the sending of attendance and success certificates

Notification1 - Jalios

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