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Flash Info

Quickly inform your employees of an urgent message with Flash Info!

Do you have an important announcement to make, but you're afraid it'll be drowned out by the mass of information on your intranet? 

Whether it's a server maintenance message for all staff, or a problem accessing a site that only concerns the site's employees, flash info allows you to publish it and highlight it in a targeted and temporary way on your home page or any other portal on your Jalios site.

The module offers a simple, intuitive interface for publishing flash info, as well as a display template with pagination for highlighting them in a portal.

Flash info can be defined in 3 steps:

  • Message with rich-text editing and multimedia content
  • Level of importance (information, warning, alert)
  • Publication date
  • Expiration date (specific date or after a certain delay)
  • Audience (targeted or generic)
  • Option to be marked as read

Newsflashes can be marked as read by the user, in which case they no longer appear for that user, but remain visible to others. For very important messages, the author of the newsflash can choose not to hide it.

It is possible to publish several newsflashes that the user can easily scroll through. If there is no newsflash, the module is not displayed.

Flash info display allows:

  • Pagination of ads
  • Modification of ads (with appropriate rights)
  • Publish new ads (with appropriate rights)

As with articles, blog posts, documents, etc., you can:

  • Recommend a newsflash for reading
  • Manage viewing rights
  • Go through a validation workflow before publication
  • Multi-categorize newsflashes
  • Find old newsflashes using the cross-functional search engine
  • Manage new minor or major versions of your newsflash

What our customers like

  • Visibility and relevance of information

News flashes are prominently displayed on the home page, with a different color according to their level of importance. They are clearly differentiated from other publications on the site (comm articles, documents, etc.).

They are only displayed if the user is within the target. If there is no newsflash published, the module is not displayed. Once marked as read, a newsflash will no longer be displayed for the logged-in user. 

  • Ease of publication

The publishing interface is simple and intuitive. A user with appropriate contribution rights can publish a flash info directly from the home page.