Jalios at Vivatech 2024 : how was it ?

From 22 to 25 May 2024, Jalios exhibited at Viva Technology, Europe's largest event dedicated to startups and technology. The event aims to accelerate innovation and connect startups, technology leaders and investors with each other.

With presentations of digital products and services and numerous conferences on a range of fascinating subjects, the event was an opportunity for participants to discover the latest technological advances. We take a look back at the event with Hoang-Anh Phan, Marketing, CSR and Transformation Director at Jalios, who was present at Vivatech for 3 days.


Why was Jalios at Vivatech this year ?

Hoang-Anh : Because Jalios supports businesses in their digital transformation and innovation is in our DNA ! And we couldn't wait to present Jalios OmniA, our AI application platform.  It enables thematic AI assistants to be developed with complete confidence. With Jalios OmniA, our customers can :

Choose the AI engine and LLM used
Keep control of their data
Explicitly specify the corpus of content sent to the AI engine
Establish governance over these AI assistants

Our participation was all the more exciting because we didn't go alone: we were part of the French Tech Grand Paris village, of which we are a member. This created a fantastic collective dynamic in the run-up to the event. Together, we moved forward faster and further.

And we felt all the more at home at Vivatech, as we met so many of Jalios' customers and partners there: Orange, BS Team, ASI, Pulsalys, a number of regional authorities, various ministries, INRIA, Majorel, Greenspector, Lecko, OnlyOffice, and so on. Whether they were participants or exhibitors, they were all delighted to meet us at this key tech event, and to discuss our latest products with us.



What will you remember about Vivatech 2024 ? What impressed you the most ?

Hoang-Anh : I was very impressed by the different pavilions, particularly those of the organisations we work with, which I absolutely had to visit to understand their innovation dynamic. I was particularly impressed by the government's digital pavilion, which featured a huge number of presentations from various ministries on subjects as varied as the sovereign cloud, open data and initiatives such as Inneauv, run by IGN and BRGM (soil and subsoil !). There's a real sense of momentum for a "good digital future", a desire to put technology at the service of citizens and civil servants, with a view to transforming the civil service.

The pavilions of the different regions were also very impressive, and it's great to be able to showcase the dynamics of innovation in each region. We're really proud to count them among our customers : the Île-de-France Region, the Centre-Val-de-Loire Region, the Brittany Region, and so on.

Unsurprisingly, AI was omnipresent, and what particularly struck me was the desire to put it to good use. There was a kind of frenzy between the fear of missing the AI boat and the fear of falling into solutionism. Everyone recognises that they don't have all the answers, and we need to remain vigilant. This was also the subject of the Digital Workplace Days online conferences that I hosted just after Vivatech. 

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