Useful innovation, the cornerstone of responsible R&D - A word from Jalios R&D Director

Useful innovation means solving the real problems encountered by users of a software tool. At Jalios, this has always been our first and foremost concern.
For the past 20 years, we have been working to improve our Digital Workplace platform based on the needs and requirements of our customers and their employees, to enable them to work as efficiently as possible and create value, while staying very close to current technologies.
We have thus built our tool on the basis of real-life examples of intranet portals, collaborative platforms and extranets in the corporate world and in the public sector, aggregating all the tools needed by users within a central platform to facilitate collaborative working.
Thanks to this approach, we have generalized the management and sharing of knowledge and know-how between employees, thanks to the possibility of distributing tutorials or small teaching guides between colleagues, and improving them through updates. By avoiding information obsolescence through collective intelligence, we are demonstrating innovation in usage rather than technological innovation.


Jalios as an aggregator of third-party technological innovations

 Jalios is also an aggregator of third-party technological innovations. We make it as easy as possible for users of our platform to access innovative tools provided by other software publishers.
Efficiency doesn't lie in using a single platform in isolation from other software solutions. It's important to let organizations choose what they want to use on a day-to-day basis; their collaborative platform must be a central point capable of linking everything else together.
Customers can choose the suppliers they want for specific needs such as EDM, Messaging, or suppliers of translation tools, video-transcription .