- Do you manage your documents in the Alfresco EDM?
- Do you want to increase your employees' productivity by integrating the DMS into the company portal?
- Do you want your users to access and manipulate Alfresco documents in your Digital Workplace seamlessly?
- Are you using Alfresco as a business EDM?
The Alfresco module integrates with JPlatform and benefits from all the classic JPlatform functionalities on documents. The documents remain in Alfresco and are accessible by the user within the Jalios Digital Workplace with Alfresco rights taken into account. It increases the productivity of your employees who no longer need to access the intranet and Alfresco separately.
Your business documents like contracts or form can be viewed and manipulated in the Digital Workplace.
The integration of the Alfresco EDM into the Digital Workplace enhances it with additional functionality.
The Alfresco module offers several features
Key features:
- Document Explorer
- Document deposit (bulk drag and drop, import)
- Delete
- Download
- Document Viewer
- Open a folder or a document in Alfresco Share
- Unified insertion (Alfresco document link in comments, article body, conversations, etc.)
- Alfresco rights taken into account and additional rights added in JPlatform
- Access to the document of an Alfresco site in an associated collaborative space.
- Extended search in Alfresco
Treatments on the document features:
- Modify the document properties
- Move / Copy
- Rename a document
- Upload a new version
- Co-edit OnlyOffice / Google Docs / Microsoft 365 in JPlatform
- Open the document with JDrive
- Consult the status of the workflow
Explorers features:
- Associate a Jalios collaborative space with an Alfresco document site
- Jalios explorer based on documents from an Alfresco document site
- Jalios explorer to browse Alfresco documents from a root folder
- User documents
What customers like about The Alfresco module
- Work on documents on the move wherever they are stored:
Alfresco is enriched in the Digital Workplace with JDrive (Jalios Drive) functionalities allowing you to synchronize Alfresco documents on your computer thanks to JDrive and work in mobility.
- Collaborate on document production:
Integration with solutions such as OnlyOffice, Google Docs and Microsoft 365 allows several people to work collaboratively on the production of an Alfresco document within the Jalios Digital Workplace.