What is the purpose of internal communication?

Internal communication is one of the cornerstones of your organization's success. It allows you to create a strong corporate culture, increase employee motivation and facilitate decision-making. Let's take a look at it with Jalios.


communication interne outils a quoi ça sert 


What is internal communication ?

Internal communication encompasses all actions aimed at promoting interaction and collaboration between the various players in a company. In particular, it aims to improve the exchange of information between employees, while developing a culture specific to the organization. 

These actions can be implemented on an ad hoc or permanent basis. They are based on different tools, which vary according to the company's values: 

  • oral tools (individual interviews, staff meetings, etc.) ;
  • written tools (intranet, suggestion box, newsletter, etc.)
  • events: seminars, training, team building. 

Good to know: organizational or corporate communication differs from the company's external communication. The latter aims to identify the company within its external ecosystem (customers, suppliers, etc.). 

Knowledge management, which is essential to the sustainability of companies, is also an objective of the Digital Workplace: it must allow knowledge to be capitalized on, but also facilitate its accessibility and sharing at any time.


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What are the different types of internal communication ?

Internal communication is actually composed of three main categories:  

  • Motivational communication aims to motivate employees in order to encourage them to get involved in the life of the company.
  • Operational or "up and down" communication concerns the circulation of information between managers and employees. It promotes the transmission of instructions and performance criteria and improves processes through the sharing of experiences.
  • Interpersonal communication concerns both horizontal and vertical relationships. It allows everyone to benefit from the information necessary to perform their work in the best possible conditions. 


What are the advantages of developing internal communication in a company ?

Do you want a successful company, motivated employees, a strong corporate culture and transparent collaboration? Develop an effective internal communication! 

By involving your employees in the organization of your company and developing effective onboarding processes, you foster dialogue and offer an improved employee experience. 

With the new internal communication tools at your disposal, you can deliver the right message to the right people, in the right way. Everyone has a clear understanding of their missions and objectives. This makes it easier for your teams to work together and to carry out projects. 

Internal communication also allows you to spread your values to create a strong sense of belonging among your employees. They will be even more motivated! An optimal quality of work (QTV) improves your employer brand. It is also a major argument to attract talent and retain your best employees.   

Finally, in case of a crisis, transparent internal communication allows you to overcome difficulties quickly. 


What is effective internal communication ?

Effective internet communication is based on a precisely developed strategy that is subject to continuous evaluation. Once you have taken stock of your internal communication, you need to define your objectives and your budget. These three steps allow you to draw up an internal communication plan specifying 

  • The messages to be disseminated;
  • Their targets;
  • The tools;
  • A calendar. 

Finally, it is essential to determine a series of key performance indicators in order to evaluate the impact of each of your actions. 

Your work doesn't stop there! When implementing your internal communication strategy, keep in mind the importance of maintaining consistency between your actions and your discourse. You must broadcast a message that does not contradict your company's values and your previous statements. In the same vein, you must ensure compatibility between what you say to your customers and what you say internally. Finally, your communication must be consistent with your human resources policy. For example, avoid promoting your company's flamboyant success while making internal budget cuts. 


What tools can be used to improve internal communication ?

Effective communication relies on a combination of traditional and innovative tools. 


  • Internal newsletters;
  • Notice boards to inform employees about regulations and rights, in particular;
  • A welcome booklet to facilitate the Onboarding of new employees;
  • Presentation and information meetings;
  • Team building events to reinforce the feeling of belonging;
  • Idea boxes to encourage information sharing and innovation;
  • Webinars to train employees or to present a new tool;
  • An intranet solution to centralize all company information;
  • A corporate social network solution to encourage the decompartmentalization of teams by creating communities different
  • from your corporate organization. This cross-fertilization of skills promotes productivity and innovation;  
  • A digital workplace solution to facilitate information sharing and collaboration between employees;
  • Social learning platforms to consolidate the knowledge capital of your company. It allows you to disseminate all the
  • educational resources in your company, in order to support your employees' skills development. 


The choice of tools will depend on the size of your company and your objectives in terms of internal communication. For customized support and innovative solutions adapted to your project, trust Jalios.  


Internal Communication FAQ

What are the different types of internal communication?

Motivational communication encourages employees to get involved in the life of the company. Operational communication improves collaboration between management and employees. Finally, interpersonal communication aims to promote the flow of information between the different actors of the projects. 


How to improve internal communication?

First, a precise and coherent communication strategy must be put in place. Then, it is essential to select the tools that are adapted to your needs. Finally, a constant evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of the actions implemented favors the improvement of processes. 


How to measure the effectiveness of internal communication? 

To do this, you need to determine a series of key performance indicators. For example, you can analyze the participation rate in a survey published on your intranet or evaluate the number of comments following a publication on your corporate social network.


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