Nantes Digital Week

13 Sep. - 2 Juni 2022 / Nantes

NantesDigitalWeek2017 WilliamJezequel 

Supported by Nantes Métropole and produced by the Cité des Congrès de Nantes, Nantes Digital Week invites you to share moments of meetings, experimentation, training, creation and reflection on issues related to digital.

With each edition, Nantes Digital Week plunges you into an increasingly rich, demanding, abundant and surprising programme. The formats are multiple, and the crossings sometimes unexpected, fully embodying the bubbling and diversity of Nantes digital and its taste for hybridization.

The event is intended for all profiles: students or professionals, groups or individuals.


Round table : Intranet / internal social network : what support for change?

Jalios will participate in a round table during which she will share her experience on change management organizations and the implementation of "digital workplace" intranet. A device offering access to information, services, collaborative tools, social network,...


  • Topic: How to successfully support change when setting up a new intranet?
  • Date: Thursday 20 September from 10am to 12pm
  • Place: Nantes, Magellan Building, Salle de la Jaguère
  • Format: Interactive round table. The objective being to exchange with the public

This event is co-organized by Jalios and Digiwin.
