Redefining the future with AI at the Digital Coter Congress

4 - 5 June 2024 / La Rochelle

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Coter numérique 2024 - with Jalios 

Jalios will be present at Coter Numérique, which takes place on June 4 and 5, 2024 in La Rochelle. Coter Numérique is an association under the French law of 1901, which brings together French local authorities, and addresses issues related to digital and information systems.
This 33rd congress will focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the heart of local authorities.
Much more than a simple technological advance, AI represents an unprecedented opportunity to redefine the future of our organizations and initiate a veritable revolution in the local authority sector. 
AI, now accessible to all, frees employees from tedious and repetitive tasks, while making our organizations more efficient and everyone's work more fulfilling. Augmenting all uses of the Digital Workplace with AI is a strategic choice to significantly improve the employee experience.
We invite you to meet us at stand 18, to discuss this topic.

Agent Experience: for a useful and responsible AI, from the Intranet to the Digital Workplace 

AI, okay, but what for? And above all, how? Is it secure? Is it reliable? And what will AI do for agents in their day-to-day work? How will it impact the way we communicate, collaborate and manage knowledge? And what about Digital Responsibility?

Jalios invited its public sector customers to reflect together on these questions: Départements de la Moselle, Pas-de-Calais, Loire-Atlantique, Région Grand Est, Métropole de Nantes and Métropole de Lyon, etc. In this workshop, we'll share with you the fruit of these exchanges and the answers we've gathered for a useful and responsible AI, at the service of the agent experience.

Don't miss our presentation!

  • Date: June, 4 at 4pm
  • Room : Salle Chanchardon.
  • Speaker : Nicolas Turlay, Alliance Manager at Jalios

Practical information

  • Dates : June 4 & 5
  • Venue: La Rochelle
  • Stand 18

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