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JCom - Icônes fonctionnalités - JLearning 


Social Learning solution

A collaborative formal and informal learning solution that stimulates learning freedom:
self-service approach, training paths, accepts all content types, interactions between participants, knowledge sharing, etc.

(Restricted access link)


JCom - Icônes fonctionnalités - JDoc 


Documentary management solution

A user-friendly, evolutive solution to manage and share documents:
dematerialization, document sharing, advanced search features, document lifecycle and version management, and much more.

(Restricted access link)


JCom - Icônes fonctionnalités - JWeb 


Content Management solution

A powerful, function-rich tool to build simple or elaborate Internet sites: "site factory" function, intuitive contributor interface, decentralized and convivial content editing, multilingualism, etc.

(Restricted access link)

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