Jalios and its partners are taking action: collaborate and communicate for free

In the current context of health crisis, organisations need to organise the telework of their employees. How to facilitate communication and social links?

télétravail avec jalios   

alios offers you its free, no-obligation JCloud solution to meet your communication and collaboration needs. This offer is valid until the end of the current year, simply and immediately activate your platform 
  • Strengthen your internal communication and reassure your employees by communicating regularly and simply via blog posts.
  • Collaborate efficiently thanks to collaborative spaces, by project team or in your crisis unit. Coedit your documents online with your collaborators.
  • Create a social link with the corporate social network wall, to cross paths and say hello.
  • Offer effective communication tools to exchange with colleagues and break isolation (webchat, video conferencing via integration on the online service meet.jit.si...).
  • Offer conversation spaces such as forums to exchange, answer questions from your colleagues or share best practices.

Deploy your platform quickly and easily:

  • Out-of-the-box cloud solution
  • Free and unlimited access to communication and collaboration functionalities for 3 months without any commitment
  • Secure Cloud Solution
  • For SMEs, ETIs and major accounts, associations and public organisations

He testifies:

« The centralization of data and applications has facilitated the massive organization of telework for our employees. We were also able to quickly set up an official "Coronavirus" communication channel, as well as an exchange and interaction platform to keep in touch with all our employees. »
Mickaël Jouvin, Information Systems Director at the Rézolia Group


The Jalios partners are mobilizing:

Xsalto - Logo  
XSALTO partners with JALIOS to offer you free hosting.


OnlyOffice offers its online document co-publishing solution, up to 5000 connections included.

1Day 1Learn logo 

1Day 1Learn, a Jalios subsidiary dedicated to digital and blended learning, 1day1learn is offering its social and blended learning module to train your employees free of charge for 3 months with no commitment. 

ASI logo               Logo C&0          Digiwin logo        Keyrus-Logo-Black HD   

    Logo Klee Interactive     Logo Micropole           logo spectrum

ASI, Conseil & Organisation, Digiwin, Keyrus, Klee Interactive, Micropole et Spectrum Groupe have joined forces with JALIOS to offer free support for 3 to 5 days for user configuration and assistance.

Eolas logo 

Eolas provides and hosts a free turnkey communication and collaboration solution based on the Jalios Cloud solution.



Vittoria Conseil provides and hosts free of charge a turnkey communication and collaboration solution based on the Jalios Cloud solution, for organizations based mainly in Polynesia and Caledonia.


Wisen logo  

WISEN is partnering with JALIOS to offer free support for 3 to 5 days for configuration and user assistance.

Wisen also offers free of charge to organizations with 5 to 100 employees the Cosi application, based on the Jalios solution, an immediately ready-to-use space containing most of the Jalios collaborative functionalities.

Start now

Jalios and its partners are taking action: collaborate and communicate for free

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